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Segítünk, hogy látogatóidból még több vásárlóra tegyél szert

A webáruházad keresőjének működése nagy hatással bír a vásárlók döntési folyamataira. A gyorsabb, hatékonyabb Rapid Search keresővel a látogatóid könnyebben megtalálják a kívánt terméket, így nagyobb arányban fognak vásárolni.

Akik minket választottak

5-ből 5 csillagra értékelt minket közel 200 felhasználónk

Great search app! Really like the way this app is so simple to get up-and-running with great built-in guidance notes & links to more detailed instructions if needed, but still gives a significant amount of flexibility and personalisation.

The Shredder Warehouse

This is possibly the best search app on Shopify with many useful features on admin and fine results on customer areas. The app works as described, definitely much and much better than Shopify native search as it always gives relevant search results even with typos.

Cymbal House

Only recently installed the app and already the support I have been given has been truly excellent. We needed a small amount of custom work and without spending a penny with them (so far!) it was no issue. Genuinely a great choice for a superb search bar.

Print and Plant

The best search bar app in the app store. Period. Having an advanced search like this will better assist your customers like it has for us. It's something a lot of stores lack, but it is so important. The live chat support is insanely fast and helpful as well. Highly recommended!

Keller International

Installed this app on our website and couldn't be happier with it. Simple to install, looks great, works REALLY well. Emailed them to ask a quick question and Irisz replied almost instantly to tell me they had tweaked something I wanted done and explained how.

Roofing Supplies UK

This app is wonderful. The staff are a pleasure to work with. Woyong is great at helping and got everything I wanted done. The app itself works great and is easy to set up as far as the search filters. Looks great. Five stars! 10/10 I’d recommend always!

The Cave

Próbáld ki 14 napig ingyen a Rapid Search intelligens gyorskeresőt, hogy növeld az értékesítési számaidat

Tovább az alkalmazáshoz

Rapid sebességű telepítés, rapid sebességű eredmények

Néhány kattintással telepítheted a Rapid Search alkalmazást a Shopify webáruházadba, amely azonnal működésbe is lép

Kattints az "Add app" gombra a Shopify App Store-ban

Néhány kattintással, akár 1 perc alatt telepítheted a Rapid Search alkalmazást a Shopify webáruházadban

Kapcsold be és már működik is :)

Szabd személyre a kereső működését az egyedi igényeid alapján

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